Undergraduate Programs Directors
I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering, University of Science and Culture (USC), Tehran, Iran. Prior to my current position, I worked from 2016 to 2020 as a researcher in the School of Computer Science at Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), Tehran, Iran. I am an ACM professional member and member of the board of IEEE computer society Iran section. Also, I am associate editor of human-centric computing and information sciences, CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology (Wiley), The Journal of Engineering (Wiley), and Data in Brief (Elsevier). I was a guest editor of the special issue on new applications of learning automata-based techniques in real-world environments for the journal of computational science (Elsevier). My research activities include soft computing, learning automata, complex networks, social network analysis, data mining, data science, machine learning, and evolutionary algorithms. You can find more about me: Google Scholar | ORCID | Web of Science | Scopus | DBLP | ResearchGate | LinkedIn | Publons | Semantic Scholar | ACM | Microsoft Academic | Mendeley | Dijkstra number (CSAuthors) | CIVILICA | Sciexplore | Amazon Author | SSRN | SciProfiles | Loop | Iranian Scientometrics Information Database (ISID) | ISCID (dana) | Saramad
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J. Kazemi Kordestani, M. Rezapoor Mirsaleh, A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, Advances in Learning Automata and Intelligent Optimization, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-030-76290-2, 2021. |
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R. Vafashoar, H. Morshedlou, A. Rezvanian, M.R. Meybodi, Cellular Learning Automata: Theory and Applications, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-030-53140-9, 2021. |
A. Rezvanian, B. Moradabadi, M. Ghavipour, M. M. Daliri Khomami, M. R. Meybodi, Learning Automata Approach for Social Networks, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-030-10766-6, 2019. |
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A. Rezvanian, A. M. Saghiri, S. M. Vahidipour, M. Esnaashari, M. R. Meybodi, Recent Advances in Learning Automata, Springer, ISBN: 978-3319724270, 2018. |
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A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "Stochastic Social Networks: Measures and Algorithms", LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, ISBN: 978-3330022140, 2016. |
Journal papers
- M. Mohammadi, S. Jamshidi, A. Rezvanian, M. Gheisari, A. Kumar, "Advanced fusion of MTM-LSTM and MLP models for time series forecasting: An application for forecasting the solar radiation", Measurement: Sensors, Volume 33, 101179, 2024.
- S. Jamshidi, M. Mohammadi, S. Bagheri, H. E. Najafabadi, A. Rezvanian, M. Gheisari, M. Ghaderzadeh, A. S. Shahabi, Z. Wu, "Effective Text Classification using BERT, MTM LSTM, and DT", Data & Knowledge Engineering, Volume 151, 102306, 2024.
- M. M. D. Khomami, M. R. Meybodi, A. Rezvanian, "Exploring social networks through stochastic multilayer graph modeling" Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Volume 182, 114764, May 2024.
- A. Rezvanian, S. M. Vahidipour, A. M. Saghiri, "CaAIS: Cellular Automata-Based Artificial Immune System for Dynamic Environments". Algorithms, 17(1): 18, 2024.
- Y. Mashayekhi, A. Rezvanian, and S. M. Vahidipour, "A novel regularized weighted estimation method for information diffusion prediction in social networks," Applied Network Science, volume 8, Article number 81, 2023.
- A. Rezvanian, S. M. Vahidipour and M. R. Meybodi, "A new stochastic diffusion model for influence maximization in social networks," Scientific Reports, volume 13, Article number 6122, 2023.
- S. Labafi, A. Rezvanian, K. Kamarei, D. Mohamadi, “Bibliometric mapping of media policy per data from Web of Science (2000-2019).” Media Management Review, 1(1), 53-77, 2022.
- M. M. D. Khomami, A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, A. Bagheri, "CFIN: A community-based algorithm for finding influential nodes in complex social networks". The Journal of Supercomputing (Springer), vol. 77, pp. 2207–2236, 2021.
- R. Hosseini, A. Rezvanian, "AntLP: Ant-based label propagation algorithm for community detection in social networks". CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 34-41, 2020.
- J. Kazemi Kordestani, A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "New measures for comparing optimization algorithms on dynamic optimization problems". Natural Computing (Springer), vol 18, pp. 705-720, 2019.
- M. Behzadifar, H. A. Gorji, A. Rezapour, A. Rezvanian, N. L. Bragazzi, S. Vatankhah, "Hepatitis C virus-related policy-making in Iran: a stakeholder and social network analysis". Health Research Policy and Systems, vol. 17, pp.42, 2019.
- S. M. Vahidipour, M. Esnaashari, A. Rezvanian M. R. Meybodi, "GAPN-LA: A framework for solving graph problems using Petri nets and learning automata", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 77, pp. 255-267, 2019.
- A Rezvanian, S. M. Vahidipour, M. Esnaashari, "New Applications of Learning Automata-based Techniques in Real-World Environments". Journal of Computational Science Elsevier logo, vol. 24, pp. 287-289, 2018.
- M. M. Daliri Khomami, A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "A New Cellular Learning Automata-based Algorithm for Community Detection in Complex Social Networks". Journal of Computational Science Elsevier logo, vol. 24, pp. 413-426, 2018.
- M. Hasanzadeh-Mofrad, A. Rezvanianb, "Learning Automata Clustering". Journal of Computational Science Elsevier logo, vol. 24, pp. 379-388, 2018.
- M. M. Daliri Khomami, A. Rezvanian, N. Bagherpour, M. R. Meybodi, "Minimum positive influence dominating set and its application in influence maximization: a learning automata approach". Applied Intelligence Springer logo, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 570–593, 2018.
- A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "Sampling algorithms for stochastic graphs: A learning automata approach". Knowledge-Based Systems Elsevier logo, vol. 127, pp. 126-144, 2017.
- A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "A new learning automata-based sampling algorithm for social networks". International Journal of Communication Systems Wiley logo, vol. 30, no. 5, 2017.
- A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "Sampling algorithms for weighted networks". Social Network Analysis and Mining Springer logo, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 1-22, 2016.
- A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "Stochastic graph as a model for social networks". Computers in Human Behavior Elsevier logo, vol. 64, pp. 621-640, 2016.
- M. M. Daliri Khomami, A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "Distributed Learning Automata based Algorithm for Community Detection in Complex Networks". International Journal of Modern Physics B world scientific logo, vol. 30, pp. 1650042, 2016.
- M. Hasanzadehab, S. Sadeghi, A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "Success rate group search optimiser". Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence Taylor logo, vol. 28, no. 1-2, pp. 53-69, 2016.
- J. Kazemi Kordestani, A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "An efficient oscillating inertia weight of particle swarm optimisation for tracking optima in dynamic environments". Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence tandfonline logo, vol. 28, no. 1-2, pp. 137-149, 2016.
- Z. S. Jalali, A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "Social network sampling using spanning trees". International Journal of Modern Physics C world scientific logo, vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 1650052, 2016.
- M. Hasanzadeh Mofrad, O. Jalilian, A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "Service level agreement based adaptive Grid superscheduling". Future Generation Computer Systems elsevier logo, vol. 55, pp. 62-73, 2016.
- M. Mahdaviani, J. K. Kordestani, A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "LADE: Learning Automata Based Differential Evolution". International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools world scientific logo, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 1550023, 2015.
- A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "Finding Minimum Vertex Covering in Stochastic Graphs: A Learning Automata Approach". Cybernetics and Systems tandfonline logo, vol. 46, no. 8, pp. 698-727, 2015.
- M. Hasanzadehab, S. Sadeghi, A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "Cellular Edge Detection: Combining Cellular Automata and Cellular Learning Automata". AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications elsevier logo, vol. 69, no. 9, pp. 1282-1290, 2015. (Top 25 Hottest Articles)
- A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "Sampling social networks using shortest paths". Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications elsevier logo, vol. 424, pp. 254-268, 2015.
- A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "Finding Maximum Clique in Stochastic Graphs Using Distributed Learning Automata". International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems world scientific logo, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 1-31, 2015. (elsevier logo, vol. 69, no. 9, pp. 1282-1290, 2015. (Mostly read)
- A. E. Ranginkaman, J. Kazemi Kordestani, A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "A note on the paper “A multi-population harmony search algorithm with external archive for dynamic optimization problems” by Turky and Abdullah". Information Sciences elsevier logo, vol. 288, pp.12-14, 2014.
- J. Kazemi Kordestani, A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "CDEPSO: a bi-population hybrid approach for dynamic optimization problems". Applied Intelligence Springer logo, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 682-694, 2014.
- A. Rezvanian, M. Rahmati, M. R. Meybodi, "Sampling from complex networks using distributed learning automata". Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications elsevier logo, vol. 396, pp. 224-234, 2014.
- M. Soleimani-Pouri, A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "Distributed Learning Automata based Algorithm for Solving Maximum Clique Problem in Stochastic Graphs". International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications, vol. 6, pp. 484-493, 2014.
- S. Sadeghi, A. Rezvanian, S. Jamali, M. J. Zomorodian, "Zotero: A Reference Manager for Researchers". Magazine of Elearning Distribution In Academy, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 56-64, 2013.
- M. Alizadeh, M. R. Meybodi, A. Rezvanian, "Solving Moving Peak Problem using a Fuzzy Particle Swarm Optimization based Memetic Algorithm". The CSI Journal on Computer Science & Engineering jcse logo, vol. 11, no. 3a, pp. 10-21, 2013.
- S. Nabizadeh, A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "Tracking Extrema in Dynamic Environment using Multi-Swarm Cellular PSO with Local Search". International Journal of Electronics & Informatics (IJEI), vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 29-37, 2012.
- S. Sadeghi, A. Rezvanian, E. Kamrani, "An efficient method for impulse noise reduction from images using fuzzy cellular automata". AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications elsevier logo, vol. 66, no. 9, pp. 772-779, 2012. (Top 25 Hottest Articles)
- S. Rezvanian, F. Towhidkhah, N. Ghahramani, A. Rezvanian, "Increasing Robustness of the Anesthesia Process from Difference Patient's Delay Using a State-Space Model Predictive Controller". Procedia Engineering elsevier logo, vol. 15, pp. 928-932, 2011.
Selected book chapters
- A. Rezvanian, S. M. Vahidipour, A. Sadollah, “An Overview of Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms for Dynamic Optimization Problems,” Ant Colony Optimization - Recent Variants, Application and Perspectives, IntechOpen, 2023.
- O. R. B. Speily, A. Rezvanian, A. Ghasemzadeh, A. M. Saghiri, S. M. Vahidipour, "Lurkers Versus Posters: Investigation of the Participation Behaviors in Online Learning Communities", Educational Networking, Lecture Notes in Social Networks, pp. 269-298, 2020.
- M. Soleimani-pouri, A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "An Ant Based Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Maximum Clique Problem in Social Networks", State of the Art Applications of Social Network Analysis, pp. 295-304, 2014.
- F. Amiri, N. Yazdani, H. Faili, A. Rezvanian, "A Novel Community Detection Algorithm for Privacy Preservation in Social Networks," Intelligent Informatics, vol. 182, pp. 3-450, 2013.
- A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "Tracking Extrema in Dynamic Environments Using a Learning Automata-Based Immune Algorithm", Communications in Computer and Information Science, Grid and Distributed Computing, Control and Automation, vol. 121, pp. 216-225, 2010.
- A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "LACAIS: Learning Automata Based Cooperative Artificial Immune System for Function Optimization", Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 94, Contemporary Computing, Part 2, pp. 64-75, 2010.
Selected conference papers
- M. M. D. Khomami, A. M. Saghiri, A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, A Framework for Scalable Object Storage and Retrieval Considering Privacy Concerns: A Case Study on the Signature Detection, 2023 9th International Conference on Web Research (ICWR), pp. 237-241, 2023.
- P. Soltanzadeh, A. Rezvanian, “A new pruning method for identifying influential nodes in social networks.” 2022 8th International Conference on Web Research (ICWR 2022), pp. 1-6, Tehran, Iran, May 2022.
- N. Arab, A. Rezvanian, Spam Detection in Persian Tweets: A Data Mining Approach, 4th National Conference on New Technologies in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Isfahan, Iran, 21 Sep. 2021.
- M. M. Daliri Khomami, A. Rezvanian, A. M. Saghiri, M. R. Meybodi, Solving Minimum Dominating Set in Multiplex Networks Using Learning Automata, 2021 26th International Computer Conference, Computer Society of Iran (CSICC), Tehran, Iran, 3-4 March 2021.
- M. M. Daliri Khomami, A. Rezvanian, A. M. Saghiri, M. R. Meybodi, Distributed Learning Automata-Based Algorithm for Finding K-Clique in Complex Social Networks, 2020 11th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Technology (IKT), Tehran, Iran, 22-23 Dec. 2020.
- S. Rezvanian, A. Rezvanian, “Solving Maximal Clique Problem Using Improved Local Search Problem with The Penalty,” 6th International Conference on Industrial and System Engineering (ICISE 2020), pp. 558-564, Tehran, Iran, Sep. 2020.
- M. M. D. Khomami, A. Rezvanian, A. M. Saghiri, M. R. Meybodi, “SIG-CLA: A Significant Community Detection based on Cellular Learning Automata,” 2020 8th Iranian Joint Congress on Fuzzy and intelligent Systems (CFIS), pp. 1-6, Mashhad, Iran, Sep. 2020.
- M. M. Daliri Khomami, A. Rezvanian, A. M. Saghiri, M. R. Meybodi, Overlapping Community Detection in Social Networks Using Cellular Learning Automata, 2020 28th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), Tabriz, Iran, 4-6 Aug. 2020.
- M. M. D. Khomami, A. Rezvanian, A. M. Saghiri, M. R. Meybodi, “Utilizing Cellular Learning Automata for Finding Communities in Weighted Networks,”. 2020 6th International Conference on Web Research (ICWR 2020), pp. 325-329, Tehran, Iran, May 2020.
- N. Arazkhani, M. R. Meybodi, A. Rezvanian, "An Efficient Algorithm for Influence Blocking Maximization based on Community Detection", 5th International Conference on Web Research (ICWR 2019), Tehran, Iran, April 4-25, 2019.
- M. M. Kavoosi, A. Rezvanian, "Spam Detection in Social Networks Using Ensemble Learning", 5th International Conference on Web Research (ICWR 2019), Tehran, Iran, April 24-25, 2019.
- N. Arazkhani, M. R. Meybodi, A. Rezvanian, "Influence Blocking Maximization in Social Network Using Centrality Measures", 2019 IEEE 5th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Engineering and Innovation (KBEI 2019), pp. 1-6, Tehran, Iran, March 1, 2019.
- Y. Mashayekhi, M. R. Meybodi, A. Rezvanian, "Weighted Estimation of Information Diffusion Probabilities for Independent Cascade Model", 4th International Conference on Web Research (ICWR 2018), Tehran, Iran, April 25-26, 2018.
- M. M. Daliri Khomami, A. Rezvanian, N. Bagherpour, M. R. Meybodi, "Irregular cellular automata based diffusion model for influence maximization", 2017 5th Iranian Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems (CFIS), pp. 69-74, Qazvin, Iran, March 7-9, 2017.
- M. Elyasi, M. R. Meybodi, A. Rezvanian, M. Amirhaeri, "A Fast Algorithm for Overlapping Community Detection", 8th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Technology (IKT 2016), pp. 221-226, Hamedan, Iran, September 7-8, 2016.
- M. Elyasi, M. R. Meybodi, A. Rezvanian, "A New Cellular Learning Automata based Algorithm for Overlapping Community Detection in Social Networks", 8th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Technology (IKT 2016), pp. 172-178, Hamedan, Iran, September 7-8, 2016.
- M. H. Mirani, M. R. Meybodi, A. Rezvanian, "A New Algorithm for Community Detection Based on Learning Automata in Social Networks", 8th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Technology (IKT 2016), pp. 1-6, Hamedan, Iran, September 7-8, 2016.
- Z. S. Jalali, A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "Modeling Ads Influence Spreading on Users of Social Network", 2nd International Conference on Web Research (ICWR2016), pp. 1-7, Tehran, Iran, April 27-28, 2016.
- Z. S. Jalali, A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "A two-phase sampling algorithm for social networks", In proceedings of 2015 2nd International Conference on Knowledge-Based Engineering and Innovation (KBEI), pp. 1165-1169, Tehran, Iran, 5-6 Nov. 2015.
- F. Bozorgi, A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "Finding Maximum Clique in Weighted Graph Using Cellular Learning Automata", In proceedings of the 23rd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE 2015), pp. 1-5, Tehran, Iran, May 10-14, 2015.
- F. Bozorgi, A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "A Method based on Cellular Learning Automata for Solving Weighted k-Plex Problem", In proceedings of the 5th Joint Conference of AI & Robotics and 7th Robocup Iran Open International Symposium, pp. 262-269, Qazvin, Iran, April 12, 2015.
- M. M. Daliri Khomami, A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "Community detection in Complex networks using edge similarities", In proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IPRIA2015), pp. 1-7, Rasht, Iran, 11-12 March 2015.
- Z. S. Jalali, M. R. Meybodi, A. Rezvanian, "A New Method for Sampling Social Networks", In proceedings of the 20th Annual Computer Society of Iran (CSI) Conference (CSICC 2015), pp. 488-493, Mashhad, Iran, 2-4 March 2015.
- A. Mousavian, A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "Cellular learning automata based algorithm for solving minimum vertex cover problem", In proceedings of the 22nd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE 2014), pp. 996-1000, Tehran, Iran, 2014.
- M. M. Daliri Khomami, A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "Irregular Cellular Automata for Multiple Diffusion", In proceedings of the 22nd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE 2014), pp. 1-6, Tehran, Iran, 2014.
- A. Mousavian, A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "Solving Minimum Vertex Cover Problem Using Learning Automata", In Proceedings of 13th Iranian Conference on Fuzzy Systems (IFSC 2013), Qazvin, Iran, 2013.
- M. Alizadeh, M. R. Meybodi, A. Rezvanian, "A Memetic Algorithm Based on Particle Swarm Optimization for Moving Peaks Problem", In Proceeding of the 18th Annual CSI Computer Conference (CSI 2013), Tehran, Iran, pp. 1-6, 2013. (selected as one of the best papers)
- M. Soleimani-Pouri, A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "Finding a Maximum Clique using Ant Colony Optimization and Particle Swarm Optimization in Social Networks", Proceedings of 2012 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2012), pp. 58-61, 2012.
- M. Soleimani-Pouri, A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "Solving Maximum Clique Problem in Stochastic Graphs using Learning Automata", In Proceedings of 2012 Fourth International Conference on Computational Aspects of Social Networks (CASoN), pp. 115-119, Sao Carlos, Brazil, 2012. (selected as one of the best papers)
- S. Nabizadeh, A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "A multi-swarm cellular PSO based on clonal selection algorithm in dynamic environments" In Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on the Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV), pp. 482-486, 2012. (selected as one of the best papers)
- A. Rezvanian, H. Safiarian, S. Rezvanian, D. Yazdani "Improving Imperialist Competitive Algorithm using Evolution Strategy", In Proceedings of the 3rd National Conference on Computer Engineering and Information Technology Engineering (CEIT 2011), pp. 836-839, Hamedan, Iran, 2011.
- S. Tavassoli, M. Yaqubi, A. Rezvanian, "An Efficient Preprocessing for Improving Performance of Ear Verification System", In Proceedings of the 6th Iranian Machine Vision & Image Processing Conference (MVIP 2010), pp. 297-301, Isfahan, Iran, 2010.
- A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "An Adaptive Mutation Operator for Artificial Immune Network using Learning Automata in Dynamic Environment", In Proceedings of the World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing (NaBIC2010), pp. 486-490, Kitakyushu, Japan, 2010.
- S. Tavassoli, M. Yaqubi, A. Rezvanian, Mohammad Mehdi Ebadzadeh, A. Rezvanian, "Enhancement of Ear Verification System Performance Using a New Hybrid Denoising Approach (ANFIS-FWS)", In Proceedings of the 2010 First International Conference on Integrated Intelligent Computing (ICIIC 2010), pp. 200-204, Bangalore, India, 2010.
- A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "Improving Artificial Immune System Using Fuzzy Logic", In Proceedings of the 10th Iranian Conference on Fuzzy Systems (IFS 2010), pp. 173-177, Tehran, Iran, 2010.
- S. Tavassoli, A. Rezvanian, M. M. Ebadzadeh, "A New Method for Impulse Noise Reduction from Digital Images Based on Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy System and Fuzzy Wavelet Shrinkage", In Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology (ICCET 2010), vol. 4, pp. 297-301, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, 2010.
- S. Nabizadeh, K. Faez, S. Tavassoli, A. Rezvanian, "A Novel Method for Multi-Level Image Thresholding using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithms", In Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology (ICCET 2010), vol. 4, pp. 271-275, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, 2010.
- A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "A New Model for Optimization Using Cooperative Artificial Immune System Based on Learning Automata (CAIS-LA)", In Proceedings of the 15th Annual CSI Computer Conference (CSICC 2010), pp. 1-8, Tehran, Iran, 2010.
- M. F. Kiani, K. Faez, E. Hosenkhani, A. Rezvanian, "Credit Scoring Using Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithm", In Proceedings of the 3rd Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems (IFS 2009), Yazd, Iran, 2009.
- A. Rezvanian, S. Rezvanian, H. Khotanlou "A New Method to Impulse Noise Reduction from Medical Images Using Cellular Automata", In Proceedings of the 17th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE 2009), vol. 8, pp. 53-58, Tehran, Iran, 2009.
- A. Rezvanian, K. Faez, "A Hybrid Method for Impulse Noise Removal from Digital Images Using Artificial Neural Network and Cellular Automata", In Proceedings of the 14th International CSI Computer Conference (CSICC 2009), pp. 1-8, Tehran, Iran, 2009.
- M. J. Fattahi Hasanabad, A. Rezvanian, M. R. Meybodi, "A New Fast Method for Crawling the Web using Reinforcement Learning", In Proceedings of the 14th International CSI Computer Conference (CSICC 2009), pp. 1-4, Tehran, Iran, 2009.
- M. Shakeri, H. Deldari, A. Rezvanian, H. Foroughi, "A novel fuzzy method to traffic light control based on unidirectional selective cellular automata for urban traffic", In Proceedings of the 11thInternational Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT 2008), pp. 300-305, Khulna, Bangladesh, 2008.
- A. Rezvanian, K. Faez, F. Mahmoudi, "A Two-pass Method to Impulse Noise Reduction from Digital Images Based on Neural Networks", In Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE 2008), pp. 400-405, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2008.
- H. Foroughi, A. Rezvanian, A. Paziraee, "Robust Fall Detection Using Human Shape and Multi-class Support Vector Machine", In Proceedings of the IEEE 6th Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics & Image Processing (ICVGIP 2008), pp. 413-420, Bhubaneswar, India, 2008.
- A. Rezvanian, M. M. Ebadzadeh, S. Rezvanian, "An Efficient Method for Impulse Noise Reduction from Digital Images Using ANFIS and ANN”, In Proceedings of the 2nd Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems (ISFS 2008), Tehran, Iran, 2008.
- M. Shakeri, H. Deldari, H. Foroughi, A. Rezvanian, "Parallel Sorting On Linear Cellular Automata", In Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA 2008), pp. 377-383, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2008.
- A. Rezvanian, H. Bashiri, "Persian Web Characterization Based on SABA Web Crawler", In Proceedings of the 12th International CSI Computer Conference (CSICC 2007), pp. 852-858, Tehran, Iran, 2007.
- Speaker “Learning Automata,” in University of Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran, December 13, 2021.
- Speaker “AI Research in Academia and Industry: Iran/World,” in University of Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran, December 11, 2021.
- Speaker, “Introduction to Vertical Social Networks,” in Ershad Damavand Institute of Higher Education, Tehran, Iran, November 11, 2020.
- Speaker, “Introduction to Data Mining,” in Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology (IranDoc), Tehran, Iran, February 10, 2020.
- Speaker, “Automatic Vandalism Detection in Wikipedia,” 16th anniversary of the Persian Wikipedia, Cafe Bazaar, Tehran, Iran, January 18, 2020.
- Speaker, “How to Write a Good Research Proposal,” in University of Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran, January 1, 2020.
- Speaker, “Evolutionary algorithms and their applications in solving engineering problems,” in University of Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran, December 31, 2019.
- Speaker of "Time-varying Network Analysis", in the 34th International Power System Conference (PSC), Niroo Research Institute (NRI), Tehran, Iran, December 10, 2019.
- Speaker of "Introduction to data mining", in Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology (IranDoc), Tehran, Iran, October 22, 2019.
- Speaker of "Learning Automata for Complex Social Networks", in School of Computer Science, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), Tehran, Iran, October 10, 2019.
- Speaker of "Introduction to social network analysis and its software", in Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology (IranDoc), Tehran, Iran, September 17, 2019.
- Speaker of "Introduction to social network analysis and its software", in Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology (IranDoc), Tehran, Iran, July 30, 2019.
- Speaker of "Introduction to social network analysis and its software", in Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology (IranDoc), Tehran, Iran, May 28, 2019.
- Speaker of "Wikipedia and Machine Learning", in conference on Wikipedia: an encyclopedia for anyone, Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran, May 01, 2019.
- Speaker of "Introduction to Scholarly Publishing", in the 33th International Power System Conference (PSC), Niroo Research Institute (NRI), Tehran, Iran, October 02, 2018.
- Speaker of "Introduction to social network analysis and its software", in Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology (IranDoc), Tehran, Iran, July 19, 2018.
- Speaker of "Social Networks for experts", in Niroo Research Institute (NRI), Tehran, Iran, May 07, 2018.
- Speaker of "Social Networks: a Scientometrics approach", in Niroo Research Institute (NRI), Tehran, Iran, February 05, 2018.
- Speaker of "Scholarly Publishing", in Payame Noor University, Hamedan, Iran, March 09, 2017.
- Speaker of "Social Network Analysis", in the Sama college, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran, December 24, 2015.
- Speaker of "How to evaluate scholarly publishing", in Hamedan University of Technology, Iran, December 09, 2015.
- Speaker of "How To Publish a Paper: An Introduction to Scholarly Publishing", in Payame Noor University, Hamedan, Iran, 24 November 2015.
- Speaker of "Cloud computing: introduction to concepts and models", in the Sama college, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran, May 2015.
- Speaker of "Complex networks: introduction, approaches, applications and current researches", in Hamedan University of Technology, Iran, December 2014.
- Speaker of "Artificial intelligence: Introduction and Applications", in the Sama college, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran, December 2014.
- Speaker of "Digital Image Processing: Introduction and Applications", in the Sama college, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran, May 08, 2013.
- Speaker of "Artificial Intelligence and Social Network Analysis", in the Sama college, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran, October 27, 2012.
- Keynote Speaker of "Introduction to Social Networks", in the Conference of New Approaches in Computer Engineering and Information Technology, Rudsar, Iran, May 26, 2011.
- Speaker of "Evolutionary Computation" in the Workshop on Soft Computing in Engineering, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran, December 8, 2010.
Professional Activities
- Associate Editor, Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences (Springer).
- Associate Editor, CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology (IET).
- Associate Editor, The Journal of Engineering (IET).
- Lead Guest Editor, Journal of Optimization, Special Issue on Soft Computing for Optimization in Complex Systems.
- Lead Guest Editor, Journal of Computational Science (Elsevier), Special Issue on New Applications of Learning Automata-based Techniques in Real-World Environments.
Participation in Technical Reviews - Journals and Conferences
- ACM Computing Surveys.
ACM Transactions in Social Computing.
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data.
Applied Computing and Informatics.
Applied Soft Computing.
Artificial Intelligence Review.
CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology.
Computing and Informatics.
Computational Intelligence.
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation.
Computing. - Computers & Operations Research
- Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience.
The CSI Journal on Computer Science and Engineering.
European Journal of Operational Research.
Future Generation Computer Systems.
Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences.
IEEE Access.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.
IEEE Communications Letters.
IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology.
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering..
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B.
IEEE Systems Journal.
IET Communications.
IET Image Processing.
Information Sciences.
International Journal of Communication Systems.
International Journal of Computers Communications & Control.
International Journal of Web Research.
International Journal of Metaheuristics.
Imaging Science Journal.
Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence.
Journal of Cellular Automata.
Journal of Computational Science.
Journal of The Franklin Institute.
Journal of Information Science.
Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication (JIST).
Journal of Information Processing Systems.
Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science.
Journal of Soft Computing and Information Technology (JSCIT).
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing.
International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems.
Knowledge-Based Systems.
Majlesi Journal of Electrical Engineering.
Memory & Cognition.
Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics.
National Academy Science Letters.
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications.
Physics Letters A.
Quality & Quantity .
Scientia Iranica.
Signal and Data Processing.
Soft Computing Journal.
6th International Conference on Web Research (ICWR), Tehran, Iran, April 22-23, 2020.
The 5th International Conference on Computer Games; Challenges and Opportunities, Isfahan, Iran, February 19, 2020.
National Conference of Informatics Society of Iran, IPM, Tehran, January 2020.
4th National and 2nd International Conference on Computer Games: Challenges and Opportunities, Kashan, Iran, February 21, 2019.
International Conference on Distributed Computing and High Performance Computing (DCHPC 2018), Qom, Iran, November 25-27, 2018.
4th International Conference on Web Research (ICWR), Tehran, Iran, April 2018.
23th Annual CSI Computer Conference (CSI 2018), Tehran, Iran, March 2018.
4th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Engineering and Innovation (KBEI-2017), Tehran, Iran, December 22, 2017.
Second National & First International Conference on Soft Computing, Guilan, Iran, November 22-23, 2017.
19th CSI International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing (AISP), Shiraz, Iran, October 25-27, 2017.
9th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Technology (IKT 2017), Tehran, Iran, October 18-19, 2017.
3rd International Conference on Web Research (ICWR2017), Tehran, Iran, April 2017.
22th Annual CSI Computer Conference (CSI 2017), Tehran, Iran, March 2017.
55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Las Vegas, USA, December 12-14, 2016.
8th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Technology (IKT 2016), Hamedan, Iran, September 7-8, 2016.
2nd International Conference on Web Research (ICWR2016), Tehran, Iran, April 2016.
First National Conference on Soft Computing, Guilan, Iran, November 2015.
18th Iranian Student Conference on Electrical Engineering (ISCEE 2015), Mashad, Iran, November 2015.
7th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Technology (IKT 2015), Urmia, Iran, May 2015.
20th Annual CSI Computer Conference (CSI 2015), Mashad, Iran, March 2015.
14th Iranian Student Conference on Electrical Engineering (ISCEE 2014), Kish, Iran, 2014.
19th Annual CSI Computer Conference (CSI 2014), Tehran, Iran, March 2014.
Symposium on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE), Tehran, Iran, 2013.
Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (CNDS), Tehran, Iran, 2013.
Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing (AISP), Tehran, Iran, 2013.
National Conference on Computing and Information Technology, The New Frontiers and Shifting Trends, Malayer, Iran, 2013.
International Conference on Computer, Information Technology and Digital Media (CITaDiM), September 2013.
14th Iranian Student Conference on Electrical Engineering (ISCEE 2013), Kazeroon, Iran, 2013.
18th Annual CSI Computer Conference (CSI 2013), Tehran, Iran, March 2013.
Iran Mobile Congress, Tehran, Iran, February 2013.
2nd National Conference on Software Engineering (LNCSE), Lahijan, Iran, November 2012.
National Congress on Electrical, Computer and Information Technology Engineering, Mashad, Iran, November 7-9, 2012.
13th Iranian Student Conference on Electrical Engineering (ISCEE 2012), Kashan, Iran, August 28-30, 2012.
International Conference on E-Citizen and Cellphone, Tehran, Iran, January 16-17, 2012.
3rd National Conference on Computer Engineering and Information Technology (CEIT 2011), Hamedan, Iran, February 17, 2011.
2011 IEEE Symposium on Computers & Informatics (ISCI 2011), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, March 20-22, 2011.
International Conference on Electronic Devices, Systems & Applications (ICEDSA 2011), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 25-27, 2011.
First Middle East Conference on Biomedical Engineering (MECBME 2011), Sharjah, UAE, February 21-24, 2011.
2010 IEEE Conference on Open Systems (ICOS 2010), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 5-8, 2010.
2010 International Conference on Computer Applications & Industrial Electronics (ICCAIE 2010), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 5-8, 2010.
2010 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics & Applications (ISIEA 2010), Penang, Malaysia, October 3-6, 2010.
13th Iranian Student Conference on Electrical Engineering (ISCEE 2010), Tehran, Iran, September 15-17, 2010.
7th International Symposium on Mechatronics and its Applications (ISMA 2010), Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, April 20-22, 2010.
12th Iranian Student Conference on Electrical Engineering (ISCEE 2009), Tabriz, Iran, August 13-15, 2009.
2nd National Conference on Computer/Electrical and IT Engineering (CEIC’09), SAMA, Hamedan, Iran, February 19, 2009.
- Machine learning (graduate course), Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran (Fall 2021, Fall 2022, Fall 2023).
- Machine learning (graduate course), University of Science & Culture, Tehran (Fall 2021, Fall 2022, Fall 2023).
- Principles of Compiler Design (undergraduate course), University of Science & Culture, Tehran (Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Spring 2022, Fall 2022, Spring 2023).
- Web-based Information Retrieval (graduate), University of Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran (Spring 2020).
- Complex Dynamical Networks (graduate), University of Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran (Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Spring 2022, Fall 2022, Spring 2023, Fall 2023, Spring 2024).
- Management Information System (undergraduate), University of Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran (Fall 2019).
- Theory of Formal Languages and Automata (undergraduate), University of Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran (Spring 2019, Fall 2019, Spring 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Spring 2022, Fall 2022, Spring 2023, Fall 2023, Spring 2024).
- Human Computer Interaction (undergraduate), Ershad Damavand Institute of Higher Education, Tehran, Iran (Fall 2018, Spring 2019).
- Software Testing (undergraduate), Ershad Damavand Institute of Higher Education, Tehran, Iran (Spring 2019, Fall 2019, Spring 2020).
- Artificial Intelligence (undergraduate), University of Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran (Spring 2019, Fall 2019, Spring 2020).
- Internet Engineering (undergraduate), University of Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran (Spring 2019).
- Social Network Analysis (graduate), Ershad Damavand Institute of Higher Education, Tehran, Iran (Spring 2018, Fall 2018, Spring 2019).
- Systems Analysis and Design (undergraduate), University of Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran (Fall 2018, Spring 2019).
- Data Mining (graduate), Sadra Institute of Higher Education, Tehran, (Spring 2017, Fall 2017, Spring 2019, Fall 2019).
- Advanced Artificial Intelligence (graduate), Islamic Azad University of Hamedan, (Spring 2015, Fall 2015, Spring 2016, Spring 2017).
- Complex Network Theory (graduate), Islamic Azad University of Hamedan, (Fall 2015, Spring 2016, Fall 2016, Spring 2017).
- Computational Intelligence (undergraduate), Hamedan University of Technology, (Fall 2016).
- Internet Engineering (undergraduate), Hamedan University of Technology, (Fall 2016).
- IT Engineering I (undergraduate), Hamedan University of Technology, (Fall 2016).
- Applied Optimization (undergraduate), Hamedan University of Technology, (Fall 2015).
- Evolutionary Computing (graduate), Islamic Azad University of Hamedan, (Spring 2015, Spring 2017).
- Artificial Intelligence (undergraduate), Hamedan University of Technology, (Fall 2014, Fall 2015, Spring 2016, Spring 2017).
- Foundations of Data Mining (undergraduate), Hamedan University of Technology, (Fall 2014, Spring 2016, Spring 2017).
- Multimedia Systems (undergraduate), Hamedan University of Technology, (Spring 2015).
- Technical Presentation and Research methods (undergraduate), Hamedan University of Technology, (Spring 2015, Fall 2015).
- Artificial Intelligence (undergraduate), Payame Noor University of Hamedan, (2008-2010, Spring 2015, Fall 2015, Spring 2016).
- Information Storage and Retrieval - File Structures (undergraduate), Payame Noor University of Hamedan, 2008-2010.
- Web Programming (undergraduate), University of Applied Science and Technology, Hamedan, (2009-2010).
- Technical Presentation (undergraduate), Islamic Azad University of Hamedan, (2008-2010).
- Computer Workshop (undergraduate), Payame Noor University of Hamedan, (Fall 2010).
- Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
- IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (IEEE CI).
- International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT).
- Iranian Fuzzy Systems Society (IFSS).
- Iranian Society of Machine Vision & Image Processing (IMVIP).
- Informatics Society of Iran (ISI).
- Iranian Young Researchers Club (YRC).